
Joshua Seifert competed in the SAMSSA National Silhouette Championship held at the BMSSC shooting range in Bloemfontein during the October holidays. Joshua competed in the U/20 age category and is to be congratulated on achieving two 1st positions (Gold) and a 2nd position (Silver). Joshua also achieved on aggregate per shooting discipline, a 2nd, 4th [...]

2023-10-13T11:27:50+02:00October 13th, 2023|


The 1st XI Cricket team participated in the Cape Youth Cricket Week. Results vs Milnerton Time cricket Milnerton 206-8 and chose to declare S. Cornelius 4-46 S. Soyaya 3-59 Muir College 87 all out B. Kilani 13 J .Patrick 11 J. Meyer 15 2nd innings Milnerton 29-1 and went on to bowl Muir College 48 [...]

2023-10-12T14:38:08+02:00October 12th, 2023|


The Senior Tennis Championship took place during the term, culminating with the final where Sikhanyiso Thu played Kyle Hennings. The match went to Sikhanyiso 4 - 6, 6 - 3 , 6 - 4.

2023-10-12T14:30:23+02:00October 12th, 2023|

Staff Breakfast

The staff enjoyed a lovely breakfast to celebrate the end of a busy term. Thank you to Mr Francis and all of the teachers involved. Wishing all of our educators a good rest over the holidays.

2023-10-12T11:50:31+02:00October 12th, 2023|
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